How To Survive The First Day Of Middle School

how to survive the first day of middle school

As a fifth grader, I was excited about my first day in middle school. I was excited about learning new things and having new friends. Middle school is a time when children are starting to become more interested in thinking critically about their own lives and choices. Although I had some doubts about learning to read, I knew that I wanted to read at least a book every semester. That is what my mom taught me, and I thought it was very wise advice.

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After that first semester, however, I realized that I needed to get back to reading books for fun. When I got home from school, it was usually too hot in the house for me to enjoy reading a book. I started to get my patience a little tested, and decided that I would try to find a way to read a book while waiting in line at the drive-through. I discovered how to read a book while waiting in line at the drive-through.


The drive-through is usually a place where you can get food while waiting for the rest of the class to catch up on their books. It wasn't unusual to see someone else having to hold the line while they tried to read their book. I decided that I would start to hold the line so that I could read a book while waiting. This became one of the most memorable experiences of my middle school years.

How to Survive the First Day of Middle School


There were a lot of other ways that I could have gotten my books out of the drive-through line. I could have asked my friend to borrow her brother's truck, or I could have asked one of the other kids in the line if they had any extra books. However, I knew that I had to come up with my own way to get my book onto the truck. I decided that I would hide the book in my pocket until I reached the front of the line. Then, when everyone had gone back inside, I would run back inside and hide the book where no one else would ever look for it again.

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Now, I want you to imagine yourself in this situation. Imagine for a moment that you are in middle school. You are excited to be going to lunch, but you know that you will need some books for your class. You decide to hide a book in your pocket until you reach the lunchroom.

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You stand in line, trying to find a book. As you are looking through the books in the middle school book store, you notice a little girl reading along. The girl is fascinated by a new book that has just come out. When she finishes reading, she runs back inside the store and tells her friends about her amazing book. As you can see, you can easily become a celebrity by reading a new book and making the news out of it. So, how to survive the first day of middle school?

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Well, the first thing you need to do is to find a way to read more books. If you have a friend who is in the same department store as you, talk to them about what kind of books they have available. You may be able to get an extra copy of the book that you really wanted just by talking with someone. After picking out a few books to read, go back inside and hide the book so that it is not visible to anyone else.


The next thing you need to do is to write down how many books you want to read that day. Then, go ahead and hide the book that you took with you, and the one that your friend read. That way, when the bell rings, you can go up to your friends and introduce yourself. This will help you survive the first day of middle school, and by reading a book during every recess period, you will learn how to survive it as well. So start reading now!

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